A Merry Heart
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A closed door. It’s an object symbolizing two different, polarized things. On the one hand, a closed door traps you and stifles you, preventing you from moving forward. But on the other hand, a closed door suggests opportunity and promise, teasing at new things and unseen vistas that stand awaiting just beyond it. So the closed door can bind you or inspire you, depending on your perspective. And what is the key element of that perspective? Why, whether the door is unlocked, of course! A closed yet unlocked door might make you nervous or even frightened, but it cannot stop you; you need only to open it.
That’s the promise embodied in this wonderful phrase: “Knock and the Door will be Opened for You.” It whispers an essential truth: the closed door before you is unlocked. And even more, all the doors are unlocked. Imposing, yes. Heavy, most definitely. But you need only knock and lean into them hard enough, and they will begin to open.
“Knock, and the Door Will Be Opened For You” comes from The Bible, Matthew 7:7. (The same verse also contains the famous phrase “Seek, and you will find,” which given our name, we rather like.)