A Merry Heart
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There’s something about this phrase we really love. “A Merry Heart Makes Good Medicine” is such a delightful way to express something we all know: when you feel happier, you feel better. And not just emotionally, but psychologically and physically as well. Scientific studies show that happier people have a significantly lower risk of death than people their age of average happiness. And when you consider that 40% of your happiness is under your control (yes, you can choose to be happier), that’s some powerful stuff. So by making yourself and the people around you happier, you’re helping everyone live longer. And what’s not to like about that?
What’s On The Inside™
“A Merry Heart Makes Good Medicine” is lightly paraphrased from the Book of Proverbs 17:22, which comes to us from the Written Torah and The Bible’s Old Testament. Making a great phrase even greater is the wonderful illustration by Mark van Leeuwen.