A Merry Heart
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$ 28
$ 28
“Nobody’s perfect.” Almost certainly, someone has said those words to you, and you’ve said them in turn to others. And why not? It’s a statement we all know to be true – even though we might hate to admit it – and said at the right time and in a kind way, it can be a comfort in times of disappointment.
While not quite as succinct, but with perhaps a touch more elegance, the phrase “All Have Fallen Short” reminds us of the same truth. We’ve all failed at something. We’ve all come up short. It’s what makes us human. There’s no harm in remembering this and living our lives with a bit of humility.
But, we also shouldn’t forget that, as the Egyptian proverb says, nothing beautiful is ever perfect. Life itself (including us) is imperfect, and that’s what makes it beautiful.
“All Have Fallen Short” is a phrase taken from The Bible, Book of Romans 3:23. It is the first verse on what’s sometimes called the “Romans Road,” a series five verses from the Book of Romans that many scholars feel provides one of the most succinct articulations of what it means to be a Christian.