A Merry Heart
$ 20
$ 28
$ 28
“Kindness” is one of those words we throw into sentences without much thought, often as a way of saying “niceness”. But really, it doesn’t mean that at all. Oh, no no no. “Nice” means to be pleasant and agreeable. “We had a nice time”, you’ll say, as a way to politely describe dinner dates with friends whose spouses you can’t stand. There’s nothing wrong with being nice, but it’s nothing compared with being kind.
To be kind is to be generous and considerate. It’s a way of acting with tenderness and compassion towards others. To be kind is to be warmhearted (what an awesome word…), and it’s that inherent warmth, that comes from within and comforts another, and gives kindness its power. The phrase on this shirt, “Be Kind to One Another,” is one of the simplest and most profound prescriptions of how to make the world a better place. And by being kind to others, we’re kind to ourselves as well.
“Be Kind To One Another” comes from The Bible, Ephesians 4:32, and is beautifully illustrated by Ella Lama.