A Merry Heart
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It’s tempting to think that happiness is affected mostly by our circumstances (things like where you live, how much money you make, how healthy you are, etc.). But in fact, that’s not true. The people who study these things say that only 10% of your happiness is influenced by your circumstances. The biggest influence (around 50%) is from genetic factors (so there’s some truth to the idea that some people are naturally happier than others), but the big takeaway is the remaining 40%. You are in control of that 40%. So being happy is, in truth and in fact, something you have direct control over. (By the way, did you know that Bhutan has a “Gross National Happiness” index they use to measure the success their country? They’re the only country in the world that makes national happiness an explicit priority.)
So to us, that’s what “Be Happy in the Day” means. Make the choice to be happy, rather than unhappy, on this day. It’s the day that – among all the days you ever have or ever will see – is the only one you’ll live today.
“Be Happy in the Day” is lightly paraphrased from the Book of Psalms 118:24, which appears in both the Written Torah and the Old Testament of The Bible.