A Merry Heart
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We’re all on a search for truth. Some people do it consciously, others subconsciously, but do it we must. Because “truth” (or “Truth”) is such an pure and powerful thing. The truth is out there, so we think, if only we can find it. So we seek it in the hope that, once it’s found, our uncertainty will go away, our questions will be answered, and we will be at peace.
And you know what? It actually kind of works that way. Because no matter what happens around us, and no matter what the rest of the world says, we are in charge of our own truth. Now, this is not a comment whether a truth exists. (We’ll leave that to others to work out.) But rather it’s to say that, in the end, the decision of what is and is not true is yours to make alone. What you believe inside that box of bone we call a head is something only you can truly know.
So it’s up to you to seek and find your truth. But once you do, and for however long you can keep it, some doubts are lessened, some questions are answered, and you are set…free.
“The Truth Will Set You Free” comes from The Bible, John 8:32, and is a phrase so powerful and enigmatic it appears, among other places, engraved on the lobby wall of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.