A Merry Heart
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Though we aren’t necessarily conscious of thinking this way, our reality each day is defined, in large part, by what we see around us. We accept as fact (again, perhaps unconsciously) that what we can see is real, and what we can’t see is not.
But reality is not limited to what we can see. That’s true even just considering the nature of light – there is an infrared and ultraviolet world some of the animals around us see that we cannot. But it’s also true that our reality is shaped and defined by things that aren’t even strictly physical – the love we feel for our family, or our willingness to risk it all and take a chance on a dream.
And, of course, t’s not uncommon to feel that we’re part of something bigger, that something unseen lies shimmering just beneath the surface of reality, teasing us with a glimpse here and there. “The Seen Comes From the Unseen,” indeed.
“The Seen Comes From the Unseen” is lightly paraphrased from The Bible, Hebrews 11:3.