A Merry Heart
$ 20
$ 28
$ 28
“Faith” is a powerful thing. Broadly considered, faith is something that’s woven throughout our lives. “Faith is a conviction of things not seen” is a statement that’s meaningful in many ways.
We can have faith in things – the food we eat, the roof above our heads, the tools we need to do our best work; we can have faith in people – our friends, our family, the stranger who helps us in a time of need; we can have faith in what we believe – our religious and spiritual beliefs; and perhaps most importantly, we can have faith in ourselves – our talents, our potential, our ability to get up tomorrow and be better than we are today. No matter what your particular beliefs, everyone has faith in something.
The Indian poet Rabindranath Thakur once wrote that “Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.” Every one of us are at some point that bird, sitting in the quiet dark, looking east for what’s to come.
“Faith is a Conviction of Things Not Seen” comes from The Bible, Hebrews 11:1. Its wonderful illustration comes from the hand of Nicolas Fredrickson.