A Merry Heart
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On the long list of wondrous things we take utterly for granted in modern life, surely light perches near the top. We can have it wherever and whenever we want it. But the wonder is still there, not far away, shown in the flickering of a candle flame or the bright immensity of our neighboring star.
It’s no wonder then that light proves also to be such a potent metaphor, especially for our personal inspiration and growth. Each of us has a light within us – call it spirit, or prana, or qi, or potential – that can, like the candle and sun, illuminate and energize the world around us.
But for that to happen, you must “Let Your Light Shine.” The world needs as much light as it can muster. And maybe, just maybe, it’s your light that will show the way.
The simple, beautiful “Let Your Light Shine” comes from The Bible, Matthew 5:16.